A random collection of articles, blog posts and other stuff I recommend reading:

Grasping for Objectivity: Parenthood 2.0 (Hilarious!)

It’s Not Like a Cat: I’m Failing at this SAHM Stuff (If I were a SAHM, this would be me…only with a fouler mouth).

Forbes: Nine Dangerous Things You Were Taught in School

Dr. Wayne Dyer: My Greatest Teacher (” …everyone is simply doing the best they can given the conditions of their life and what they have to work with at the time.”)

Everyday Health: Surprising Advice for People with Diabetes (Doesn’t surprise me.  Who started the whole no-red-meat, low-fat crap in the 80s? THEY are responsible for this country’s obesity epidemic.)

Signature Sounds: How they Were Discovered (Hendrix, Pearl Jam, Nirvana and more).