Three things I’m loving this week


1. Dog Shaming. If you’ve not seen the Dogshaming Tumblr, put down your coffee (lest you ruin your keyboard), clear you morning schedule and prepare to laugh your butt off.   I’ve got a couple good ones to do with Sammy — including a Polly Pockets doll missing all but one limb — I just just need to get him to sit still long enough to take his picture.

2. Nectarines. I like peaches, but I stopped buying them years ago because I find it nearly impossible to get ripe ones that aren’t too soft, too hard, or too bitter. I have much better luck with nectarines and the ones I’ve been getting lately are perfect. I know it won’t last though. The season of cheap (and tasty) fresh fruit is on it’s last legs.

3. Nancy Drew books. The girls and I recently rediscovered the Nancy Drew books of my youth (literally…they are the musty smelling ones I had as a kid 30 years ago) and, despite some archaic language, they are as awesome as ever. Every chapter ends with a cliff hanger, and every night the girls beg me to read just one more chapter.

Three things I’m not loving this week

1. My kitchen. One of the small wood panels under the sink fell off last night, one of the “temporary” tiles we installed 15 years ago is bent up and keeps cutting our feet, the wallpaper border is half torn off, the dog is chewing my old play cabinet that I really need to get out of the kitchen (but I need the storage space), and I’ve reached the point where the pain (money and mess) of renovating the kitchen is starting to seem less painful than the eyesore that is our kitchen.

2. Microsoft Office. All of a sudden, my Microsoft Office program wants the product key code. I don’t have the code — it came installed on my computer in 2008 — and, to my recollection, I got no key code with it (and there are only a few places I’d have put it).  I’ve tried everything—Microsoft tells me to contact the original manufacturer, the original manufacturer (Circuit City) has no records from before they were bought out in 2009, the free key-code-retrieval programs aren’t coughing up the number, and when I tried to use a key code I found on line, I really screwed it up and now it needs uninstalled and reinstalled, which I cannot do, of course, because I have no disks.  (sigh)

3. NFL replacement Refs. While Sunday nights game was a big “L” in Green Bay’s W/L column, it was a big “W” for the striking refs. Their negotiating power went up considerably with that interception ruled a touchdown by the replacement refs.

The real refs will be back on the field by Monday. Think they’ll hear a few cheers from fans who will be suddenly grateful for the men in stripes?

While the replacement refs suck, it has made for some really fun stuff on Facebook this week: