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Things I’m loving this week


Tajin on cucumber spears. This is one of my new favorite snacks, tagin sprinkled on cucumber slices. I love those little mini seedless cucumbers from Aldi’s most, but they don’t last long. Regular cucumbers or English cucumbers would work, too.


My new washer and dryer. Our washer died a few weeks ago and, as you know, I HATED my dryer that continually destroyed clothes, so we had to buy a new set and I wasn’t going to get another front-loading washer because they get moldy and smelly inside if you don’t leave the door open to dry. And, I sure wasn’t going to get GE appliances as we’ve had not great luck with the ones we bought years ago, but….the salesmen at Duggan’s said GE was the one manufacturer who had developed a venting system and microban seal to combat the moldy/wetness inside and the price was right and they looked cool, so we got this set (above) and OMG do I love them. Also, they are “smart” appliances so they tell me (though an app on my phone) when a load is done or has sat in the dryer/washer too long. Pretty cool.

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The comedy club. I forget about the comedy club in Erie, which is now Kellar’s a magic and comedy club, but when I heard the headliner last week on a local morning radio show (another thing I’m loving – iHeart radio –because I can listen to Rocket 105 on my phone/through Alexa), I decided to buy tickets for me, Kelly and Dan (you have to be 21, so Lauren was out) and we had a great time. Tickets are reasonably priced at $25 for most comedy shows and there are, of course, drinks and snacks/food available.

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Buffalo’s waterfront. Lauren and I drove to Buffalo last weekend to take an Ohio Street Resurgence Tour with Explore Buffalo. Ohio Street is one of Buffalo’s main waterfront corridors, running parallel to the Buffalo River on the way to the Outer Harbor. In recent years, this corridor has emerged as a major area for development along the Buffalo River, including residential and recreational projects. The tour showcased both the industrial past of this historic neighborhood as well as the current revitalization taking place that is bringing new life to this part of the city. There is so much to do on the waterfront in Buffalo, makes me want to go back and play! (This week, we’re heading west, to take a tour in Cleveland.)


Living so close to the beach. Yes, it’s a half hour drive, but….what’s 30 minutes when it comes to the beauty of Presque Isle and Lake Erie and bringing so much joy and happiness to my water-loving retriever.


Al fresco dining. I love when the weather turns warm enough to eat all our meals outdoors. And, I often do eat every meal outside — breakfast, lunch and dinner — under cover of the back porch or…soon…poolside!

Links I’m loving

Things I’m not loving this week


My windshield wipers. Between the streaks/water/fog on my windshield and the rising (blinding) sun as I was driving home from my run this morning, I’m not sure how I managed to stay on the road and not hit something or someone. I’ll be picking up new wiper blades tonight.

The Supreme Court. Here’s one of the first of what are sure to be a long list of disappointing verdicts by a partisan and biased court that sets our country back to ….um…..when it was Great? I think not. The only people that America was great for from it’s formation until the 1980s was white men. No wonder they — and their women — want to turn back time.

Worth listening to

I have always loved his music, but after hearing this…I love the man even more. His book is now on my “to read” list: