A random collections of blog posts, articles and other things I think are worth sharing.

Blog Her: I See Sexism (I do, too)

Salon: I’m not that ambitious, and that’s okay (I’m not either and, yes, it’s just fine — see “We Need to Redefine Success” below 😉 )

Hands-Free Mamma: Taking off the Ticking Clock

Huffington Post: We Need to Redefine Success (AMEN! I totally agree with this post)

“I think it’s our job as parents, as a society, to redefine what success means. To reward innovation and creativity and kindness and optimism and the willingness to try just as much as we reward getting the right answers on a test. To recognize — truly recognize — kids for their different strengths and talents.

To acknowledge that the path to success does not look the same for every young adult, and very often does not include a linear path from high school to college to chosen career.

I want my kids to succeed. But success means so much more to me than A’s and B’s on a report card or numbers on a test.”

Herald Sun: The truth about modelling: What I wish I’d said to my fans 

“The heavily guarded truth was that I exercised a minimum of two hours a day, seven days a week. On days when I wasn’t working, I did double duty, going to the gym twice in one day. I said I ate oatmeal for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch, and fish and salad for dinner, along with a healthy snack like yoghurt. But in reality, my big diet staple was four to six cups of black coffee per day, avoiding even a splash of skim milk since I was terrified of extra calories.”